Tuesday, August 19, 2008

On board with man-on-man bonding

Today on the subway I started worrying about this blog. How could I reasonably assume that something interesting would happen to me enough on my commute that I could write 3-4 entries a week? (This assumes, of course, that anything I have written here is interesting. Is it? Is it? Love me.) I wondered about this as I approached Penn Station. Just then, a man who had been sitting near me (as I stood holding the pole) stood up anticipating the train stopping. The train stopped, indeed. And the man, holding onto nothing but his briefcase, flew forward. Luckily, I was standing in front of him. He crashed into me.

I looked at him, waiting to say, "Don't worry about it" after he apologized to me. He did not. He turned to face the door. We stopped, I turned to the door (which I was standing in front of), and he barreled into me again as he tried to speed out. Was he embarrassed and eager to get away? Was he in a rush? Was he mentally imbalanced? He wore a suit and carried a briefcase, so he must have been gainfully employed ... that or he was on his way to an audition for "The Nutty Professor: On Broadway!"

At anyway rate, God bless you crazy falling briefcase man. You have given my blog another day.


And now it's time for everyone's favorite feature: "Did Phillip get touched unnecessarily by a stranger on the subway today'?"

Seriously? Did you read this post?


Anonymous said...

hehe, I always like to get touched on a subway =)

Anonymous said...

Cool story as for me. I'd like to read something more concerning that matter. Thanx for sharing that info.
Sexy Lady
Girls for companionship in London