Wednesday, July 30, 2008

On board with second base

Just Monday I mentioned that I grow tired of New Yorkers groping me on the subway, whether accidentally or not, as the cars jerk back and forth. Today I had an entirely similar yet horrifyingly worse situation. On the way to Penn Station after work, I stood on a not-too-full car holding on to one of the poles. A man and woman (they were together but I don't know their relationship) got on and joined me on the pole. However, the man grabbed the pole and felt the need to touch my arm in multiple places between my thumb and elbow. I did not care for this, but I do not move on the subway while in motion. The woman, meanwhile, stood on my right - obnoxiously close but at least not touching me. She held on to the pole while we started but let go once we got moving.

That's when the fun began.

Along the way we hit a jerk and the woman went flying. Her left breast went firmly into the back of my hand. She looked at me (after removing herself from me) and what seemed like the entirety of Dances with Wolves passed before the gaze broke. I felt like I needed to say something, but what? I didn't want to apologize; I wasn't the one putting my life in the hands of a subway driver who may or may not be qualified to teach a course on shoe-tying. I stood perfectly still as a woman lunged at me with her baby feeders. I had done nothing wrong.

So what else could I say?
"Thank you."
"Those feel real."
"No thanks, I'm married."

I mean, I was stumped. So eventually - and eternally - I said nothing. She mumbled something and turned away. She and the man spoke Spanish, so I can't be sure whether or not she told him that I got to second base with her, but I didn't stick around to find out. At the next stop I scurried to the next pole, stared in the other direction, and got off without ever turning around.

Should I feel bad about this? What is the proper response in this situation? I ask you.

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