Thursday, September 11, 2008


For the most part, I am pleased with technology. I like my TV, iPhones are cool, and air conditioning is great. Oh also indoor plumbing is nice. However, one downside to technology is that people are fast and loose with cameras these days. Ignoring, for the moment, cell phone cameras, people have taken digital photography to great highs and great lows. The low: without the expense of film to deter shutter-happy fingers, people do not hesitate to take picture after picture, no matter the inanity, sometimes reaching 30 CMP (clicks per minute).

I thought of this today when I was waiting for the subway. No less than 4 people were taking pictures of the subway, some even taking pictures of just the tracks. No people. No action. Dark, ugly, disgustingly filthy tracks. With film cameras, I have to think that people would not waste time taking pictures of such boring subjects. Of all the things you see in New York, surely the subway is one of the least you're eager to picture. But with room on a memory disk for 200, 300, or 400 shots, people feel as though they can take these pictures. Will they ever look at these pictures again? Of course not. But God help you if you try to take it away from them. Technology. Blah.

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