Thursday, February 5, 2009

Butch Cassidy is nothing without his Sundance Kid

Of course it would happen on the morning when the wind chill was -1.  -1 AMERICAN degrees.

Waiting for the train this morning, the disembodied voice of the friendly train station lady announced that all trains in and out of Penn Station were running 20-30 minutes behind. Thankfully, I was able to step into my train and escape the skin-punishing, bone-chilling cold at approximately the time NJ Transit promises in its train schedules. But, of course, after moving a few miles up the line, the conductor announced that the delays were worse than we had been led to believe. Apparently, due to a broken down train in the tunnel, there was but one track for all trains entering and leaving the major hub in Manhattan. 

In other words, bad news.

So, after we waiting for a while outside Newark, our conductor told us we were being re-routed to Hoboken. As you may recall, this had happened to me before, in reverse, last year, but I remain totally ignorant of the PATH train and their routes, so upon reaching Hoboken, I got on a train that took me near Penn Station and had to back-track back to my office. (I would learn later that this could have been a much shorter trip, but the PATH website was blissfully unhelpful.)

Oh, and I had to get out on Broadway and find my way back to Penn Station - and of course, since it was cold, I headed out the wrong way and had to walk more than I should have. 

The Highlight:
There was an irritating guy with a backpack - it's always backpacks - who continued to bump into me and a woman next to me on the PATH train. Oblivious to the natural law stating that two bodies cannot occupy the same space, he repeatedly beat us with his backpack, like the clumsy adolescent who is not in control of his newly-large body and bumps into walls and other things because he is not used to his hulking shoulders.  This guy, however, was just annoying.

At one point, the woman and I turned in towards one another to shoot him a dirty look. It was like something out of a sit-com: We turned at preciously the same time and turned back at the same time as well. I wanted so much to make eye contact and share that "If you punch him in the face, I'll punch him in the stomach" look, but she was too annoyed to have any fun on the ride. So alas, the man remained unpunched. Another missed opportunity in the annals of NY commuting.


Kenya said...

Working in the city sucks. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I truly am sorry for you.

Claudio Tomassini said...

I invite you to visit my blog. you can find my last works of art at:

yours Claudio Tomassini