Saturday, October 18, 2008

Such a bad blogger

It's been awhile since I've written anything, but I've been traveling a bit and therefore not commuting. You deserve my apologies. But you won't get them because I regret nothing.

I was in New Mexico last week. I flew in for two nights and met with two national research labs. By coincidence, we were there for the Balloon Festival - annually the biggest event in New Mexico. Well, just look:

My experiences there were probably the complete opposite of working in New York. Driving along Interstate 25, on one side of the care: a wide swath of nothing for miles and miles, desert as far as you can see. On the other side: plateaus like something out of a John Ford movie. No congestion (except around Albuquerque - did I mention it was Balloon Fest?) No pushing, no shoving. Oh, to be a cowboy.

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